Saturday, February 14, 2009

A Night for Telly

My good friend and colleague, Telly Olympiadis, was seriously injured in an ATV accident last November. Telly, a self-employed contractor and handyman, was hospitalized for several weeks, and he has been wheelchair-bound in his home since then.

Telly's friends have organized a benefit concert, coming up on Saturday evening, February 28th at Trilogy in Marietta featuring live music by THREE great bands from 8:30 pm-12:30 am 4930 Davidson Road, Suite 200, Marietta GA 30068

8:30- Fox Trot November
9:30- Kevin Spencer
10:30- The Mixx
Doors open at 7:00 p.m. Dinner is available at Trilogy.

Admission is FREE, and donations for Telly and his family will be accepted at the door.

Mike Cohen, who is heading up the event, books bands and said that one of these three is ready to sign a recording deal!

Bring your friends and join us for music, fun and a chance to help a young family!

And Meanwhile, Happy Valentine's Day!


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