Monday, January 12, 2009

Help for the Organizationally Challenged!

How Ready Are We for 2009?

OK, I admit it, I am not the world's most organized person. But, the new year seems to be an opportune time to adopt some tried and true principles that should make my life less stressful. My husband is very good about keeping track of where all my "stuff" is, but that shouldn't excuse me from at least attempting some better habits, right? So, if you lean toward messy, like me, maybe one or two of these organizing tips will help you, too!

Now that the holidays are over and a new year has begun, now is the perfect time to make sure we are ready for 2009. Here are five things we all should do this month that will make our lives easier in the months ahead:

1. Clean Out the Clutter: We keep saying we'll do, let's go ahead and do it. Let's spend an hour going through our old files, and shred those receipts, bills, and statements we no longer need, like old ATM receipts and utility bills, paystubs more than a year old, and receipts for things that are not deductible.

2. Get Organized: While we're at it, let's create new files for our 2009 tax-related papers and receipts. Examples of categories include medical expenses, gift and charitable donations, and home improvements.

3. Check the Gift Card Fine Print: If you received gift cards as a present over the holidays, use them soon. Some have expiration dates, or the amount on the card may get reduced over time. In addition, in the current economy, retailers that go out of business may not honor gift cards.

4. Do Some Review: Review various insurance policies - life, home, auto, etc - to make sure the coverage we have is still the best fit for our needs and situation. To save on cash out of pocket, we might even consider raising our deductible to get a lower premium.

5. Do Some Reflection: Take an honest look at our schedule and responsibilities and make sure we are taking the time you need to stay healthy and feel good. Don't feel bad about actually scheduling specific blocks of time to exercise or spend special time with family and friends, to ensure it actually happens. This will make everything else we have to do this year easier...and more enjoyable, too!

Baby steps, baby steps........
Have a great week, everyone!


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