(Actually, I think they may have picked me, because I needed it the most!)
Anyway, it couldn’t have come at a better time! Even for me, things were going downhill fast. My closet was a disaster, my hair was badly in need of a new style and professional color, and make-up……. Well, let’s not even go there! I’ve never been good at make up, so I just don’t do it at all, most of the time.
First stop on Linda’s Excellent Adventure? Shopping with Jenifer Phillips, Image Consultant and owner of Metamorphysis. After a brief questionnaire and time to get to know each other, Jenifer and I headed for Chico’s where she advised me on colors, style, fit- what a relief to just try things on and let an expert decide! Ladies, this is definitely the way to shop! Within a couple of hours, I had some black basics, a gorgeous, fun jacket with jewelry to match and a good quality pair of black pumps. Jenifer even knows how to get bargains at great stores like Nordstrom and Bloomingdales! This is truly a science that I must have missed in school.
Next, it was on to Paul Bennett Studio where Paul and his assistant, Ashley, whipped my faded out, red color and overgrown bob into a polished new cut of brown with gold highlights. Where had they been all my life? Now, if I could just have a little more patience with the blow dryer…….
What else you ask? Well, Lindsey Boyd, make up artist extraordinaire, squeezed me in between her own clients on Thursday afternoon to apply everything from concealer to eyelash extensions and a custom mixed lipstick color! By this time I felt like a famous person who has “people”, flitting between my image consultant, my hairdresser and my make-up artist! It really was a metamorphasis!
Thursday night arrived, and finally it was time for the big, surprise unveiling. Jenifer showed everyone my “Before” picture on the screen and then “Voila”, out came the new and improved Linda!
I wish I had had a camera to capture the looks on the faces of my friends and colleagues! They were amazed! Who was this person?
Thank you SO much to Merle Land for coordinating such a fun event , to Jenifer Philips and Paul Bennett and Lindsey Boyd for giving of their time and talents to advise us on looking our best and feeling young and vibrant!
Thought you might like to see “before” and “after”, the metamorphasis of Linda!
Really, I can’t recommend Jenifer and Paul highly enough. If you are in need of a transformation, give them a call. You’ll be very glad you did!